The Best Thing You Can Do Sophomore Year!
The HOBY Leadership Seminar is a special annual event for SOPHOMORES ONLY. This program helps identify and develop leadership talents--very important qualities for college acceptance and career success. The goal is to develop effective, ethical leaders in the home, school, workplace and community. Students attend our three-day seminar where the will participate in hands-on leadership activities, meet leaders in their state, and explore their own personal leadership skills while learning how to make a positive impact in their community.
This year’s seminar will be held May 29-31 at St. Anslem College in Manchester.
Register at for more info. Our school ID is 592 and the password is hlcnzm.
This year’s seminar will be held May 29-31 at St. Anslem College in Manchester.
Register at for more info. Our school ID is 592 and the password is hlcnzm.
Your PSAT10 Results can help you study for PSAT/NMSQT's and SAT's
- Did you know you can create your own customized study guide for the PSAT's???
- Watch the video below on how to link your College Board Account and Khan Academy Account.
- Watch the video below on how to link your College Board Account and Khan Academy Account.
� Think you know about college? Make sure you're not falling for any of these 10 college myths!
� See your school counselor to make sure you've got a good schedule.
� Learn how to study better, get AGGRESSIVE about learning.
� Don't settle for anything less than A's and B's.
� You should be averaging about 2 hours/night of homework.
� Know other kids who want to go to college? Form a study group and study together - you'll be doing this a lot in college.
� GET INVOLVED! Good grades in good classes won't get you far without extra-curricular activities. Try-out for a sport, join a club or do student council.
� If you have a job try keep your schedule to less than 12 hours/week.
� If you're interested in college, consider taking the PSAT in October with the juniors. Sign up in guidance.
� Community service is a very good thing. Help out at a soup kitchen. Baby-sit kids at church. Volunteer at a retirement home. Besides being the right thing to do, it will look great on resumes, job applications, and college applications.
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery

Sign-up for the ASVAB test. It's given each November in the Career Tech Center and it helps you think about which careers you might be suited for. Even if you you know what you want to do -- take it anyway! Must be 16 to have official scores. If you are under 16 you can take the test to practice!
2021/2022 Dates: TBD
2021/2022 Dates: TBD